Over the past years, REACHA has focused deeply to train students across India to learn 21st century skills using Coding in Kojo Learning Environment (Kojo) with an aim to promote education, skill development, and community development in underserved communities.

World is undergoing rapid changes which are powered by technologies like artificial intelligence and big data, and how the need of the hour in the education system is to empower students to learn “future-proof” fundamental skills like critical thinking, creative thinking, problem-solving, learning how to learn, multidisciplinary thinking, computational thinking, and more. Coding on a regular basis by students, in the right kind of environment like Kojo can enable all of these.

Key Kojo Stats :

  • Kojo Kalpana: Working with schools across India to introduce students and teachers to the Kojo open-source learning environment. More than 60 teachers and 900 students have been trained in Kojo through this initiative.
  • Kojo Baramulla: Total of 240 students have been trained in basic computer and coding, where more than 80 students have given their assessments and 60 students have been delivering Kojo coding classes in the identified government schools.
  • REACHA also has a partnership with Regional Science Centre (RSC), Uttarakhand Council for Science & Technology (UCOST), an autonomous body of the Government of Uttarakhand (UCOST) to roll out Kojo in Uttarakhand to promote coding. REACHA technical team has been upskilling and training computer teachers in Coding through Kojo across Uttarakhand.

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About The Project




Indian Rupee based CSR funding, other donations*, and FCRA based foreign funding – are powerful ways to bring the benefits of Kojo/coding to children across Bharat/India through projects – to enable them to learn essential skills for the 21st century, aligned with NEP 2020.